“Soon after the setting of the sun, as Jesus and the apostles still lingered about the supper table, Peter’s wife heard voices in the front yard and, on going to the door, saw a large company of sick folks assembling, and that the road from Capernaum was crowded by those who were on their way to seek healing at Jesus’ hands. …”
No doubt, you recognize these words from The Healing at Sundown in Paper 145. For centuries, people had a few bible verses to commemorate this amazing event. But now, The Urantia Book provides us with detail and insight into the mind of Jesus.
This story is the topic of the children’s lesson scheduled for October 22, 2017. It is the seventh PDF that I have sent out since the curriculum launch in September.
You might be wondering if you can sign up at any time to receive these PDFs. Yes, indeed! Each lesson is a stand-alone lesson. There is no need to see Lesson 6 before you see Lesson 7. The lessons are on a five year cycle, so eventually you will receive all the lessons.
For more information about this curriculum and how to sign up, click One Page Lessons for Children. The PDFs are free of charge. If you need a PDF with a Bible reference rather than a Urantia reference, I can provide that.
Vicki Arkens (October 2017)