July 7th, 2020
I am convinced that children learn concepts more deeply IF they are presented in story form. Stories engage the emotions and the imagination. Most children love dramatic presentations – either to watch them, if they are relevant to where they are at in their lives, or to be in them.
When I wrote COLOR JOY in 1999, I was the Executive Director of a large school age day care center with 126 kids between 4 years and 11. The creative teachers provided literally 100’s of activities for children of any interest to engage in. We had a working garden, carpentry area, art area, physical challenges, music, games, and much more. However, I found a group of kids who didn’t seem to be involved in any of these activities. That’s when presenting a drama activity occurred to me to see if would appeal to these kids.
This play represents several foundational concepts: the struggle of the ego for recognition, the conflict of wanting to be the best, the importance of BEAUTY, and perhaps most importantly the resolution of contending egos toward cooperation and embracing diversity.
It is interesting to me that the themes in this play have been heightened in today’s world, especially the importance of diversity, acceptance of others who look different from us, and working things out so that everyone WINS!
This play can be read in a family with children and parents taking several different parts, or it could be presented as a play with costumes and scenery, which is what we did at the day care center with an audience of the rest of the 90 children and parents – two times – which were recorded.
The children involved and watching talked about the concepts of BEAUTY, COOPERATION, AND APPRECIATION OF DIFFERENCES for a long time.
It is the only play I ever wrote, and probably will ever write. It was just one of the gifts that come along seldom to those of us lacking a general talent for such things.
I do hope that at some point it could be presented at a conference in the future when we can all gather, for it would be quite valuable for all concerned.
AND I encourage anyone working with children – parents, teachers, friends – to deeply consider and creatively implement the use of METAPHOR as we share the truths of The Urantia Book!
Presented with enthusiasm, even after 20 years!
Sara Blackstock
Coordinator of the Jerusalem Marketplaces for three international Urantia conferences.