May 26th, 2021 – The Urantia Family Life Committee is excited to share with you a book that was written several decades ago by Ruth E. Renn. Ruth and her husband were forum members who raised three children together. She lovingly created a Junior Urantia Class in the late 50’s and the materials used during those next twelve years were compiled into a book she called Beginners’ Book for Young Urantians.
We are presenting you with two different PDF links.
Version #1 (about 116 pages) is a scanning we did this year – 2021- from an original text we recently rediscovered. We wanted to post this basic version now so you can access this treasured work. However, over the next few months, our committee will be making improvements on this document as we move it to a more modern format, use consistent fonts throughout, add an internally linked table of contents with accurate page numbers, and have some of the diagrams artistically touched-up with color added. This will be a printable version you can self-bind and proudly offer to your family member.
Version #2 (over 200 pages) is an electronic format with live links that is currently uploaded on urantiastudyaids.com. It is not clear when this version was originally created. It contains many of the classes’ original graphics, a glossary, and several added charts. Many of the pages have been colored in and the scanning quality is not a good as our newer version, but we thought it’s certainly worthy of including on this website.
Here’s what Ruth wrote in her book introduction:
The Junior Urantia class was formed in 1958, all ten members were children of Urantians. Later, some students left to attend university, others moved away, but a few were held together over a period of twelve years. This outline of study has been revised and material added to meet the needs of older students.
We hope you enjoy exploring both of these versions and we’ll update you with our Urantia Family Life version in the coming months!
Beginners’ Book for Young Urantians
Version #1 – Click here
Version #2 – Click here
Memory of Ruth from Sue Snider Seccombe:
When I first met Ruth Renn she was already in her 80’s but a still little dynamo. Her eyes actually danced and sparkled when she talked to you. She was tiny, gentle and exuded confidence, warmth and love. My sister, Cayce, and I have memories of being in her kitchen where she showed us how to turn pears pink (she poached them in wine, but told us we could use food color), and we marveled at the biggest cookie cutter collection we’d ever seen. We loved going to visit her.
Although I was too young to catch it the first time, I will very much enjoy “going to her school” now.